Operational Turning Points: Death to Mercenaries

Go To Units During the Fourth Succession War, the fiercest fighting lay along the contentious Draconis March, pitting the elite DCMS not against the forces of the Federated Suns, but against a singular mercenary enemy: Wolf's Dragoons. The firestorm that erupted on Misery fanned the hatred of Coordinator Takashi Kurita, who gave his now-famous "Death to Mercenaries!" edict and directed nearly the entire might of the Galedon Military District against the three worlds garrisoned by the Dragoons.

Operational Turning Points: Death to Mercenaries picks up where Historical Turning Points: Misery leaves off, opening up the battle for players to join in the fight using the successful Turning Points PDF exclusive format. Return to one of the defining moments of Dragoon lore as they held the line against the honorable samurai of the Dragon.

This campaign series uses the Chaos Campaign rules and gives players the option of fighting individual Missions and Touchpoints, following a campaign arc, and inserting it into their own campaigns. This PDF exclusive includes detailed information on the worlds involved, a rundown of the forces involved in the conflict, an overview of the historical campaign, and several tools and tracks that players can use to run historical characters and battles from this time period. Only the players' imaginations are the limits.

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Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Victor VTR-9B (Li) 80 1,625 38 Skirmisher OTP:DTM OTP:DTM Introductory 3028
Annihilator ANH-1E 100 1,625 45 Juggernaut OTP:DTM OTP:DTM Introductory 3028