Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol. 26

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The march of technology across BattleTech’s eras is relentless—but some war machines never die. This PDF-only series includes brand-new BattleMechs and OmniMechs, alongside Classic ’Mechs and combat vehicles from both the Inner Sphere and the Clans rebuilt with the latest technology to keep them competitive on modern battlefields. This series also includes in-universe development notes, battle histories, notable pilots, and record sheets for each unit.


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Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Flea FLE-21 20 823 29 Scout RG26 RG26 Standard 3139
Hermes II HER-7A 40 1,121 29 Sniper RG26 RG26 Standard 3120
Starslayer STY-4C 50 2,218 36 Skirmisher RG26 RG26 Standard 3145
Merlin C 60 1,870 39 Brawler RGv1 RG26 Advanced 3093
Merlin MLN-1D 60 1,370 34 Sniper RGv1 RG26 Standard 3090
Merlin MLN-1E 60 1,369 34 Sniper RGv1 RG26 Standard 3099
Merlin MLN-1P 60 1,181 33 Juggernaut RGv1 RG26 Standard 3114
Quickdraw QKD-9G 60 2,224 51 Skirmisher RG26 RG26 Standard 3144
Caesar CES-5R 70 2,192 51 Brawler RG26 RG26 Advanced 3148
Naga II A 80 2,160 42 Brawler RG26 RG26 Standard 2866
Naga II B 80 2,347 46 Missile Boat RG26 RG26 Standard 2866
Naga II C 80 2,177 49 Brawler RG26 RG26 Standard 2866
Naga II H 80 2,284 47 Brawler RG26 RG26 Standard 3059
Naga II Prime 80 1,840 41 Brawler RG26 RG26 Standard 2866
Naga II W 80 2,655 50 Sniper RG26 RG26 Standard 3138
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Condor Heavy Hover Tank (Fusion) 50 939 34 Striker RG26 RG26 Introductory 3040
Condor Heavy Hover Tank (LAC) 50 960 33 Striker RG26 RG26 Standard 3140
Condor Heavy Hover Tank (Laser) 50 977 34 Striker RG26 RG26 Standard 3061
Condor Heavy Hover Tank (Ultra) 50 1,252 35 Striker RG26 RG26 Advanced 3113
Condor Heavy Hover Tank C 50 804 32 Striker RG26 RG26 Standard 3082
Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (Escort) 50 835 37 Striker RG26 RG26 Standard 3101