Technical Readout: 2750

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In the year 2750, humanity was in the midst of a golden age. United under the interstellar government of the Star League, all mankind prospered and enjoyed an improved quality of life made possible by advances in technology, commerce, human rights, and the arts. Humanity had truly inherited the stars. But those same advances also carried a curse, for the engines of war from the Star League era possessed power unequalled in the Successor States today.


BattleTech Technical Readout: 2750 provides illustrations, statistics, and other vital information about the BattleMechs, AeroSpace Fighters, Tanks and Hovercraft, Personal Equipment, and combat JumpShips of the Star League.


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Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Puma Assault Tank PAT-001 95 None TR:2750 None Unknown 2650
Puma Assault Tank PAT-002 95 None TR:2750 None Unknown 2657